Friday, July 29, 2011

Homework Box Freebie

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My homework boxes are finished!!  
Each of my students take one of these boxes home at our open house. 
Boxes are 11 1/4 by 8 3/4 by 4 inch Tuck Top Mailing Boxes from PaperMart

The box keeps everything they need to do their homework, in one place.
Here's what went into each box:
2 dot cubes (dice)
7-12 number cube 
sight word flashcards
number cards(to play math games)
"I Am Skippyjon Jones" by Judy Schachner

The labels are printed on Avery White Internet Shipping Labels (18126)
I printed my "Homework Helps"  on card stock and laminated them.

Happy Friday!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Out of this World Gift Card Giveaway!

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When I started this blogging adventure about a month ago I had no idea how much fun it was going to be or how many nice people I would meet.  
I just want to say "Thank You!" 
with a  
$25 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway. 
 Here's how you can enter:
1. Follow "Frogs in First" and leave a comment.
2. Blog about my giveaway and leave a comment with the link to your blog post.
3. Add "Frogs in First" to your Blog Roll and leave a comment with a link to your blog.
4. Follow my TpT or TN store and leave a comment.
5. Like "Frogs in First"  on Facebook and leave a comment.
The contest will end on TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 2011 at 5pm Mountain Time.  I will announce the winner and e-mail the gift card that evening.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

One Bite at a Time

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When I was a teenager, more than a few years ago, I read an article called  "How to Eat an Elephant".  I don't remember the specifics of the article, but it's message stuck... 

You can eat an elephant, you just have to do it one bite at a time.

I was faced with an elephant on my plate three years ago.  About a week before school started,  I was leaving a PTA meeting at my children's elementary school.  The principal stopped me in the hall and after a little chit chat, asked if I would be interested in a teaching  position.  What????

My mind started racing.  I hadn't taught in about twelve years.  I had given everything away.  I had five kids!  My oldest child was in 10th grade and my youngest was just starting kindergarten.  School  started in a week!!  I couldn't possibly pull it off.  But, I love teaching!!  I went home, discussed it with my husband and family, and called her the next morning to accept the position.

Sometime in that first day my excitement and anticipation turned into "Oh, no....what have I done?"
All I could see was this gigantic pachyderm:)  I needed a fork!  That's when my plan began.

 My favorite "fork" has always been a good list.  So, that is where I started.  I drew three columns and labeled them: things I need to plan, things I need to make/do, things I need to buy.  Now, because I'm a wife, a mother, and a teacher, some of the things that I wanted to do before school started did not pertain to my new job.  When my very long list was finished, I realized that I could divide everything I wanted to do into four categories: self, family, students, classroom.  I put each category on a separate piece of paper and drew the same three columns: to plan, to make/do, to buy.  I went back through my list and put each item under the appropriate category and column.   At that point I started to panic. There were four very full pieces of paper.   I looked at everything I wanted to do and knew there was no way that was going to happen in a week. 

I knew I needed to set some priorities.  I have never been good at the priority thing.  I always want to do it all, but this was sink or swim time.  I made a new list for each of my categories, this time with the headings of must do and nice to do, instead of want to do.   I went through each item on my want to do list, and asked the question, "Do I need to plan this, make/do this, or buy this, to teach successfully during the first weeks of school?"   If the answer was "no", it went on my nice to do list.  If the answer was "yes", it went on my must to do list.  I had to be brutally honest,  I had a week to pull this off. Even if I didn't sleep (which for me means a migraine later), I only had  one hundred-sixty eight hours!  

I finally whittled my list down to a manageable size and got to work on my musts.  This list, my family, and an amazingly kind and generous team of first grade teachers,  made it possible to get my classroom put together and get my first weeks of curriculum in place during that one week.    
During the last three years I have continued to use this plan, and these lists to set and accomplish my goals.  I'm far from perfect and I still get overwhelmed at times.  But, when I start to feel the panic, I grab my fork and remember, one bite at a time, one bite at a time.

These lists and others including: family, self, student, and classroom versions are available for free at either my TN or my TpT store.  I have also included the black outlines if you don't want to print the "pretty ones". 

If you like what you see,
I would love to have you follow my blog 
and "like" my shops!  

Keep smiling--Fresh air is good for your teeth!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

You Know that Feeling?

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Summers are the reward teachers get for doing twelve months of work in the nine month period of time we call the school year.   I firmly believe teachers and their families must take this "summertime" to rest and rejuvenate. 

For me, that means playing hard with my family,  going out to lunch with friends, trying new recipes, reading (for fun), really cleaning my house...the list goes on. 

This summer has been particularly important to me because this is the last summer all of my children will live in my house for awhile.  My oldest son is getting ready to leave for college, after fall semester ends, he will leave to serve a two-year mission for our church.  So, I am soaking up every minute of sun and fun with these people I love.  We are planning a family trip during the second week of August.  This morning, while looking at my calendar and going over vacation details, I had this thought, "Oh, my goodness the summer is almost over, I can't believe school starts in a month, I have so much to do!"

 If you are a smiling or cringing, you know exactly what I'm talking about!   What do you do when that feeling hits?  I start with my master plan.  These are planning sheets and strategies I started developing three years ago.  Over the next few days I will share with you some of the ideas, strategies, and templates that help me fight off the end of summer panic.  These ideas allow me to enjoy the last month of vacation, and have a wonderful start to a successful school year! 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Santa Throws in the Towel

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TBA is having a Christmas Craft Linky Party.  Here is a fun craft I have done with pre-school kids and  my firsties .  I have seen variations of the "hand santa," but this is how I have made it.  Parents love this as a gift!

**White hand towels.  Watch for these to go on sale.  I can usually get them for $1 a piece.

**Fabric paint (white).  Make sure to get the Tulip "Puffy" Dimensional Fabric Paint
**Fabric paint (light pink, red, and black).  I like the Tulip "Slick" Dimensional Fabric Paint 

Step 1.  Paint child' entire hand with a generous layer of red paint.   Have child carefully press her hand onto the towel fingers pointing down.  

Step 2. Let dry completely (I usually do this project over several days.)
Step3.  Have child use a small paint brush to paint the bottom half of the palm part of her hand print (right above the fingers) with light pink (I usually mix in some white and a tiny bit of orange to make it a little more flesh colored). .  This will be Santa's face. 
Don't get carried away, most of the palm print is going to be Santa's hat.  He just need a little face peeking out.  

Step 4. Let it dry completely

Step 5.  Child uses the "puffy" white paint to color in her fingers on the hand print.   The fingers become Santa's beard.
(VERY IMPORTANT: Make sure to leave the thumb and the top part of the palm next to the thumb red, this will be Santa's hat.

Step 6. You guessed it...Let dry completely:)  

Step 7. Trim out Santa's hat with the white puff paint.  A line across the palm makes the brim of Santa's hat and a poof on the end of the thumb makes a pom-pom on the end of Santa's hat.
Final Steps:  When Santa has dried, two little dots right below the brim of his hat are all he needs for eyes.  Use the black paint to write child's name and the year below her hand print. Voila!! 
If you are feeling super ambitious, a jingle bell sewn to the thumbprint is darling! 

(I thought I had a finished product...and of course when I really want to find something I can't!  So, I did what any good teacher does and improvised.  Here is a little diagram in case my directions were as clear as mud:) 

 Merry Christmas in July!!

Friday, July 15, 2011


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Oceans of First Grade Fun is celebrating her 1000th follower.  
That is so awesome!  
This blog is an absolute must read!!

 Stop by and enter her giveaway! 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

My First Winner!!

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 Lisa Richling is my first ever giveaway winner!  Congratulations!!  
Let me know which word wall you would like.

  Thanks everyone!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Wild Wild West

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Here is my western themed word wall. I really like how it turned out, I think it would even make my dad (who is a real life cowboy) proud:)  It's in my TpT and Teachers Notebook stores now. 

Please take a minute and enter my giveaway, I would love to give you a word wall. 
If you have downloaded my free pirate word wall I would love to get your feed back on TpT store.  Over 200 people have downloaded it but I only have 3 ratings.  I would love to know what you think.

Stay, space, and Hollywood themes are coming up next.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Yee Haw! It's A Giveaway!!

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 Perhaps I have spent too much time with western themed items this morning...but my followers are back and I have 51!  I'm soo excited and I want to celebrate!  So, I am having a little giveaway of any of my word walls (and if I don't have your theme, I will make it for you, special:) 
There are five ways to enter:
1. Follow me and post a comment saying you are following me.
2. If you are already a follower, thank you, and please just leave a comment letting me know.
3. Follow my TpT store and leave me a comment.
4. Like me on Facebook and leave a comment.
5. Leave me a comment telling me which word wall is your favorite or what theme you would like to see.

I will use the random number generator to pick a winner on Thursday evening. 

Monday Morning Madness

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Happy Monday everyone!  First, I was just wondering if anyone else is having problems with their followers disappearing?  Mine have vanished and I can't see the follow button on any other blogs...kinda frustrating.  I was also wondering if you are able to see my followers and follow(please) me?  If you are having this problem (I hate being alone:)  or better yet if you know how to fix it, I would be so grateful!!   Second item of business this morning.  I had a couple of people request a jungle themed communication folder like my "frog folder" I shared a few weeks ago.  It is now finished and in my TpT store this morning.  I had a lot of fun making it.  If you would be interested in a different themed folder let me know!  I am working on my "Wild West" word wall this morning and it will be in my store this afternoon.  OK, I think that's everything....maybe!  Just Keep Smilin'

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Welcome to the Jungle

Pin It I love this word wall. So cute!! I think it might be my favorite. Head over to my TpT store and take a peek. Is there a theme you would be interested in seeing? Let me know!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Themed Word Walls

Pin It Last week I sat down to create a frog themed word wall for next year...found some really cute art...and I now I can't seem to stop. You can find these five word walls in my brand new TpT store.
The "Pirate Word Wall" is my free product! Enjoy!!

I am working on four more word walls: sports, jungle, space, and monster themes. I will have them finished and posted soon.