Thursday, August 8, 2013

Extraordinary Book

I've mentioned  (here) that every summer we read a book as a faculty, then discuss and implement the things we have learned from the book.  It is one of my absolute favorite parts of working at North Point.  This summer we read Fred 2.0 by Mark Sanborn.  This is the sequel to the New York Times Bestseller The Fred Factor.    Real-life mailman Fred Shea is the inspiration for both books.  Fred Shea is a man who turns his ordinary job of delivering the mail into something extraordinary.   Fred treats each person on his route as a friend. Fred is a man who doesn't settle for being normal.  He chooses to be  extraordinary.  Fred proves that it is the little things that make the difference between ordinary and extraordinary. 

Our summer "assignment" was to read the book and make a list of our top ten favorite quotes.  Then our principal takes each of our lists and compiles a TOP TEN List that defines us as a faculty.  We then use this list and book during our professional development days.

My list is due and I wanted to share with you my TOP TEN favorite quotes from this AMAZING book:  

So there you have it!  I am excited to see how many of my favorite quotes make our faculty list.  I know a lot of you have read either "The Fred Factor" or "Fred 2.0" and  I would LOVE to hear your favorite quotes!


  1. I hadn't heard of this book before... will have to look it up! Sounds inspiring! :)

    Lindsey Forever First Grade
