Tuesday, July 19, 2011

You Know that Feeling?

Summers are the reward teachers get for doing twelve months of work in the nine month period of time we call the school year.   I firmly believe teachers and their families must take this "summertime" to rest and rejuvenate. 

For me, that means playing hard with my family,  going out to lunch with friends, trying new recipes, reading (for fun), really cleaning my house...the list goes on. 

This summer has been particularly important to me because this is the last summer all of my children will live in my house for awhile.  My oldest son is getting ready to leave for college, after fall semester ends, he will leave to serve a two-year mission for our church.  So, I am soaking up every minute of sun and fun with these people I love.  We are planning a family trip during the second week of August.  This morning, while looking at my calendar and going over vacation details, I had this thought, "Oh, my goodness the summer is almost over, I can't believe school starts in a month, I have so much to do!"

 If you are a smiling or cringing, you know exactly what I'm talking about!   What do you do when that feeling hits?  I start with my master plan.  These are planning sheets and strategies I started developing three years ago.  Over the next few days I will share with you some of the ideas, strategies, and templates that help me fight off the end of summer panic.  These ideas allow me to enjoy the last month of vacation, and have a wonderful start to a successful school year! 


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