Thursday, June 23, 2011

Frog Folder

Hello my blogging friends! I have been working on my back to school to do list this morning and I thought I would share. Communication between home and school is so critical. I have found the easiest way to facilitate this communication is by using a homework folder. My students are responsible for bringing this folder to school each morning and taking it home every afternoon. The folder includes:

a pocket for homework

a pocket for notes, newsletters, flyers

an envelope for box tops, lunch money, etc.

blank lined paper for parent/teacher communication

a section with important information for parents:

my phone number

my e-mail

class schedule

specialty schedule

literacy and math suggestions

grading information

pond report:

daily behavior report

individual behavior contracts (if needed)

This has worked so well for me and parents LOVE it. They always know where to look for homework, notes, and classroom information. No more backpack diving:

Click on the picture for a copy of labels and dividers!

Do you use homework folders?

I would love to here what you include in your folders!!

Please leave a comment and/or follow me.

Make sure you do something today that makes you smile!


  1. This looks great! I use a daily folder in my classroom as well. I use these: although I get them much cheaper (just couldn't find the website!). I put my behavior chart on the back of the folder. I was wondering, how exactly do you use the pond report page? Do you mark something on it?

  2. I use a card system. They start the day with a green card (good), and they can work their way to an orange card (best). They can also get a yellow card (warning) and a red card (rough day). The pond report page is just a divider. Behind it I have a graph (you can see a picture of it at the top of my post)that has a square for every day of the school year. (I wanted to include it, but google docs kept altering the word document and a PDF of my school year wouldn't do anyone any good. Each afternoon I draw a face in the square for that day, letting parents know how they did. Parents initial the row at the end of the week. Thanks so much for your comment!! You have a darling blog!!

  3. I was wondering if you can make these items using the jungle theme and sell it on TPT store. I would love to use what you provided but my theme will be jungle.

  4. I would also love these items with a jungle theme on TPT store! I used MONKEY folders last year - same idea, but mine were very generic. :)

  5. I love the idea of including an envelope for $/notes, etc. We use binders and they have a zipper pouch, but that's for school supplies (low-income area, if we don't send home supplies homework doesn't get done) so I wanted something else. This is it! I will just laminate them for durability. Thanks for sharing!

  6. I would love to do a jungle theme! How cute!!

  7. For my class we have 1" white binders called Boomerang Binders (they always go back and forth). In our school we have an agenda book where parent communication is logged and a daily sticker goes on the date to let the parent know how their child did. I also include 2 sheet protectors: 1 for homework and 1 for parent information (papers of upcoming events). We also include a pencil pouch for money.

  8. I like the idea of using a manila envelope for the money. I was trying to figure out how to get a class set of these at $2.00 each because I know parents wouldn't buy them. Do you laminate them to have them hold up longer? Great idea! Thanks for sharing!
    Learning and Laughing

  9. I wait until the plastic folders go on sale at Target or Walmart. I can usually get them for around .75 cents. I have laminated the paper ones before, but the plastic ones hold up all year.

  10. I use homework folders, too. I love your frog theme!! I have been using BEE books for a couple of years and this year I am doing a STAR theme. Students That Are Responsible. Just found your blog and became a new follower!!

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